Well, I started out this blog to try out how it feels like to have a blog i guess.
I never really got around to it, as I don't quite like the idea of people reading my diary.
Then again, who does? However, I think keeping a blog may be helpful to me one day.
I'll be waiting for that day. Still am.
Anyway, I think keeping this blog would be easier than a written diary.
Partly, cause I'm either too lazy or not bothered or perhaps both. :P
So, above was my intro. The end.
Now, to the boring what I did today shit.
Year 10, isn't the Oh-I'm-Old-Enough-For-Prom shit. It's the Owh-Shit-IGCSE shit.
Teachers are currently piling us up with tons of homework.
Well we all can't blame the teachers now, can we?
They're doing all this for our sakes. How nice of them.
My school, apparently has a special "club" called the HOMEWORK club for poor students who have no transport back until 3.40. This apparently sucks.
So, I came up with this well plotted plan to get away from homework club.
I got away with it. Oh the joy.
Speaking of joy.
What makes people happy?
Happy comes in many forms:
Expensive Things
Personal items
and of course many other forms.
But what does it make you live for actually?
Some live for food.
Some live for the adventure.
Some live for love.
Some live thrill.
But honestly, why so serious?
Why take life so seriously? No one comes out alive anyway.
You wanna eat that calorie filled burger? Go ahead!
You wanna see whats on the other side? Find out!
You wanna love someone but others restrict you? True love always finds a way *wink wink*
You wanna go bungee jumping? I recommend it!
Well I'm not sure what all the above has to do with my day.
So I think I've typed enough so yeah.
Bye for now.
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