Saturday, November 13, 2010

Asian Parents.

"Spare the rod and spoil the child"
Ever heard that phrase before?
Bet you do.
What comes to your mind when you
see that phrase?

To me its,
Asian parents. What do you think of them?
Fierce? Controlling? Dictator-y?
No matter what your views and opinions are,
they still are our parents.
Loving or not.

Wait, what? You're not asian? So you don't have an asian parent?
Asian parents aren't just your normal everyday white/black parents.
THEY ARE ASIAN. Meaning to say, you have to be perfect.
Perfect in everything.(except sports, they don't give a damn about your
social life or sports life it's just your studies they give a damn about)
Especially, in maths and science or else they'll
think there's something is wrong with you.
They expect you to be good at everything.
When I say everything. It is everything.
Take a look at this:

And if you think that's bad. Eh, wait. Is my font different?
I think it is. I don't know how to change it!
OMFG. This is like the end of my pretty-all-same-font-looking
Okay who cares? Back to the topic.

And when you like disobey them bad things happen.
Very very bad things happen.
Every asian kid has been forcefully "abandoned"
by they're parents before.
Example scenario:
Kid: But MUM! I WANT IT!
*Mum's expression*
Mum: No.
Mum: No.
*Pulls kid*
*Kid refuses*
Mum(shouts): Fine! You know what? I'll leave you here!
*Leaves kid*
*Kid cries very loudly in public*
*Public does'nt give a shit cuz they do the same to their own kids*
how sad. In fact, some will taunt the kid, telling him
he's been a bad boy, and now he's mummy is leaving him
all alone and now someone is gonna rape him.
Okay, I was kidding about the rape part.
*Kid still cries*
*Mum hides somewhere to see kid suffer*
*After she thinks Kid has suffered enough, she goes back and
takes kid*
So what do you think?

That scenario is for a kid. Now,
let's say, the kid grew up into a teenager.
Teenager: Dad, may I please go to a sleepover?
Dad's expression
Yea. Sad isn't it?
They always assume things.

Studies? Well, asian parents are all for it!
If you get like an D or F, they'll beat you and belt you.
First, you go home and like tell your parents straight.
They'll start with the lecture
just as you think it's gonna lighten up,
it hits you hard.
They get too angry,
Mum will be holding her ultimate weapon, the ROTAN/RATTAN/CANE whatever you call it
and Dad will be armed with his mighty belt.
Then, they proceed to beat the crap outta you.
No matter how loud you scream, nobody is gonna help you.
You are done for.
To you white kids, who think they neighbor will hear your screams
and call the Children's Aid Organization, think again.
In Asian countries, neighbors do the same to
their own kids. Nobody wants to tattle-tale on
each other now do they?
So they "pakat" together and form some alliance.
Back to the beatings,
in the amidst of all the pain, cries and tears,
sometimes parents think it's not enough
and beat even harder.
Honestly, in my opinion,
it's like some sort of abusive form of sex.
Hey, it's just my opinion.
I bet they enjoy it.

Now, I shall go on more about before
of how they beat you.
I'm not sure if that sentence makes any sense.
For example:
If I got into deep shit trouble,
and mum knows about it,
she tends to say
ooooo, somebody is gonna get it.
I mean C'mon!
We both clearly know that I'm the damn victim!
Why go through the trouble of saying
Somebody is gonna get it.
Unless, well you're referring to another person.
Or when she says
Do you want to eat the rotan?!
WTF. What kind of kid in the right mind,
would want to eat a freakin stick?!
If I say no, she'll scream "bo ka si"(no manners) and whack me.
If I say yes, she'll scream GOOD! and whack me.
If I say nothing at all, she'll scream ANSWER ME! and whack me.
If I try to run away, she'll chase me with the rotan and knife then whack me.
If I try to tell daddy, she'll grab me, pin me down, slap me, then whack me.
If I try to call the child protection org, she'll threaten me then whack me.
If I scream, she'll just go ahead and whack me.
If I beg her for mercy, she'll scream and whack me.
So, as you can see from the above,
no matter what I do,
the result is,
I'll always get whacked in the end.
So what I advise is,
just die.
Nah, I'm just joking.
Seriously, don't die.

if you want to avoid your
dad from becoming this:
then I think it's best if you become
Yesseri BOB!
You'll have to be like that thing, to be the
"perfect" asian kid.
nah, I'm just joking.

Well, I think this is like what? The longest post like ever!
So, now it's time to wrap things up.
What ever criticisms I gave about asian parents,
they're all a joke.
Yes, they are like that.
Yes, its true.
Yes, I know not all asian kid likes it.
But who cares?
They're doing this to make their lives easier
and our future lives easier
but drilling all the disciplines,
all the work,
all the best,
they can ever give to us.
They may seem harsh,
but I'm sure deep deep
deep deep deep
deep deep deep
deep deep deep
they love us very much.
So, love your parents, whether they're
asian or not! :D

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