Monday, November 15, 2010

The Supernatural!

Did I sound like a ghost?
Probably not.
Fail. Ashley. Fail.

Okay. So down to business.
"The Exorcist"
Boo! Did I scare you.
I doubt so.
Anyway, the picture is from the movie The Exorcist.
It's suppose to be so scary it'll make your head spin.
I highly doubt that.

Okay. So to you folks out that
who like ghosts or are fascinated by them
or had sex with them or are in a relationship with them
or just love them, or just feel really horny,
you'll enjoy this post.
No wait. The last point doesn't count.

Ghosts, poltergeist, spirits,
Casper, Barney, Justin Bieber.
These are all some sort of ghost.
Okay, I think that's a clown.
Shit. Imma have nightmares now.

So, do you believe in ghosts?
Well, my opinion is that
you don't really know unless your dead.
But once you're dead, you'd wanna try to contact with the living
telling them you exist.
Yet, scientist call people who sees ghosts as psychos
they are just people with a brain disorder.
We'll just wait till the ghosts
eat their brains.
That'll be good.

Reasons why ghosts do exist:
Scientists and Ghost Busters have carried out experiments.
  • Ghosts are like God. I'm not saying God is a ghost.
    I'm just saying that you can't see, touch, hear, taste, smell God.
    You can't just say ghosts don't exist if you can't
    see, hear, touch, taste, smell ghosts.
  • So many sightings have been made from
    all around the world. Every religion
    believes in some form of ghost. So yeah.
  • Scientists and Ghost Busters have carried out experiments.
    Using their so called reliable, scientific machines,
    they can detect a sudden drop of temperature
    or the door slamming but there isn't a breeze.

    This is what happens when you don't believe in ghosts.
Reasons why ghosts do not exist:
  • Parents tell kids ghosts stories so they'll shut up.
    When I was little, my mum used to tell me that
    if there is a thunderstorm, don't scream,
    or else the thunderstorm ghost will
    tear my mouth. What. A. Lie.
    Only now, I realized there is no such thing
    as a Thunderstorm ghost. WTF.
  • Hollywood. They screw things up.
    Including people's mind.
    They make people think
    things that don't even exist.
  • LOCATION! Honestly,
    if you were a ghost,
    would you rather live in an old,
    broken, dusty suppose-to-be
    haunted mansion on the top of some freaky hill or
    a nice penthouse with a large Plasma TV equipped with
    cable and a super pool?
    Ghosts are so stereotypical and over-rated.

    Whether ghosts do exist or not, its up to you
    Ultimately la.

    SHit. I can't seem to get the thingy right )':
    Okay down to business.

    Did you know, dogs can see ghost?
    So you wanna be a dog?
    you can see ghosts if you bend down and look through your legs!
    I do not recommend that during the
    Hungry Ghost Festival.
    Just saying.
    you can rub dog spit on to your eyes,
    and you'll be able to see them too.
    Wanna try it?
    To cut things short,
    just watch this chinese movie called The Eye 10.
    It shows you 10 ways to see ghosts.
    It's really nice and entertaining.

    I am currently watching this 1980s movie called Poltergeist
    directed by Steven Speilberg. I think that's how you spell his name.
    So, this is where I stop.

    Do not let Hollywood ROT your mind :D

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